Calculation of g-functions with inclined boreholes

This example demonstrates the use of the g-function module to calculate g-functions of fields of inclined boreholes using a boundary condition of uniform and equal borehole wall temperature for all boreholes. The total rate of heat extraction in the bore field is constant.

The following script generates the g-functions of two bore fields. The first field corresponds to the optimal configuration presented by Claesson and Eskilson 1. The second field corresponds to the configuration comprised of 8 boreholes in a circle presented by the same authors.

The script is located in: pygfunction/examples/

  1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2""" Example of calculation of g-functions with inclined boreholesusing uniform
  3    and equal borehole wall temperatures.
  5    The g-functions of two fields of 8 boreholes are calculated for boundary
  6    condition of uniform borehole wall temperature along the boreholes, equal
  7    for all boreholes. The first field corresponds to the "optimum"
  8    configuration presented by Claesson and Eskilson (1987) and the second
  9    field corresponds to the configuration comprised of 8 boreholes in a
 10    circle.
 12    Claesson J, and Eskilson, P. (1987). Conductive heat extraction by
 13    thermally interacting deep boreholes, in "Thermal analysis of heat
 14    extraction boreholes". Ph.D. Thesis, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden.
 17import pygfunction as gt
 18import numpy as np
 19import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 22def main():
 23    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 24    # Simulation parameters
 25    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 27    # Borehole dimensions
 28    D = 4.0             # Borehole buried depth (m)
 29    H = 150.0           # Borehole length (m)
 30    r_b = 0.075         # Borehole radius (m)
 31    tilt = np.radians(20.)  # Borehole inclination (rad)
 33    # Thermal properties
 34    alpha = 1.0e-6      # Ground thermal diffusivity (m2/s)
 36    # g-Function calculation options
 37    options = {'disp': True}
 39    # Geometrically expanding time vector.
 40    dt = 100*3600.                  # Time step
 41    tmax = 3000. * 8760. * 3600.    # Maximum time
 42    Nt = 25                         # Number of time steps
 43    ts = H**2/(9.*alpha)            # Bore field characteristic time
 44    time = gt.utilities.time_geometric(dt, tmax, Nt)
 45    lntts = np.log(time/ts)
 47    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 48    # Borehole fields
 49    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 50    """
 51    Bore field #1
 53    This field corresponds to the optimal configuration presented by
 54    Claesson and Eskilson (1987). The field is built using the `cardinal_point`
 55    function to define the orientation of each borehole, individually.
 56    """
 57    B = 7.5 # Borehole spacing (m)
 58    # Orientation of the boreholes
 59    borehole_orientations = [
 60        gt.utilities.cardinal_point('W'),
 61        gt.utilities.cardinal_point('NW'),
 62        gt.utilities.cardinal_point('SW'),
 63        gt.utilities.cardinal_point('N'),
 64        gt.utilities.cardinal_point('S'),
 65        gt.utilities.cardinal_point('NE'),
 66        gt.utilities.cardinal_point('SE'),
 67        gt.utilities.cardinal_point('E')]
 69    # "Optimal" field of 8 boreholes
 70    boreField1 = []
 71    for i, orientation in enumerate(borehole_orientations):
 72        borehole = gt.boreholes.Borehole(
 73            H, D, r_b, i * B, 0., tilt=tilt, orientation=orientation)
 74        boreField1.append(borehole)
 76    # Visualize the borehole field
 77    fig1 = gt.boreholes.visualize_field(boreField1)
 79    """
 80    Bore field #2
 82    This field corresponds to the configuration comprised of 8 boreholes in
 83    a circle presented by Claesson and Eskilson (1987). The field is built
 84    using the `circle_field` function.
 85    """
 86    N = 8   # Number of boreholes
 87    R = 3.  # Borehole spacing from the center of the field (m)
 89    # Field of 6 boreholes in a circle
 90    boreField2 = gt.boreholes.circle_field(N, R, H, D, r_b, tilt=tilt)
 92    # Visualize the borehole field
 93    fig2 = gt.boreholes.visualize_field(boreField2)
 95    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 96    # Evaluate g-functions for all fields
 97    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 98    # Bore field #1
 99    gfunc1 = gt.gfunction.gFunction(
100        boreField1, alpha, time=time, options=options, method='similarities')
101    fig3 = gfunc1.visualize_g_function()
102    fig3.suptitle('"Optimal" field of 8 boreholes')
103    fig3.tight_layout()
104    # Bore field #2
105    gfunc2 = gt.gfunction.gFunction(
106        boreField2, alpha, time=time, options=options, method='similarities')
107    fig4 = gfunc2.visualize_g_function()
108    fig4.suptitle(f'Field of {N} boreholes in a circle')
109    fig4.tight_layout()
112# Main function
113if __name__ == '__main__':
114    main()



Claesson J, and Eskilson, P. (1987). Conductive heat extraction by thermally interacting deep boreholes, in “Thermal analysis of heat extraction boreholes”. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden.